Browsing All posts tagged under »Wars for Oil«

Dear John Q Military, We Need To Talk…

February 6, 2013


America has some bad news for you, I think we need to take a break. Now wait, just listen please, it’s us, it’s not you. You’re great, we’ve sent you off to fight for God, freedom, apple pie and oil companies and defense contractors and you never complained, you just went back for deployment after […]

Homeland Insecurity

October 17, 2012


FBI agents pretending to be terrorist: ‘Hey, wanna blow up some stuff and kill some Americans’? Would be terrorist: ‘Sure, I’d love to! What should I do’? FBI agents pretending to be terrorist: ‘Here is 50 pounds of explosives, enjoy’! Would be terrorist: ‘Gee, thanks!’ FBI agents NOT pretending to be terrorist: ‘You’re under arrest […]