Browsing All posts tagged under »milk«

Random Tweets – Giraffe Riddle Edition

October 30, 2013


Sometimes, late at night while the world sleeps, I sit on my front porch, stargaze and wonder; Mr. Mister ever get that broken wing fixed? Alcohol may not solve my problems but water, tea nor milk have ever offered me any investment tips. Or made you prettier for that matter. How happy are people w/saved […]

Is This Heaven? No, its Barbecue Nachos.

January 8, 2013


Some things don’t mix, they just sound weird together, milk and Pepsi, oil and water, Justin Beiber and music. That was my first reaction when I encountered a dish of barbecue nachos. Cheese and barbecue? I don’t think so. I love nachos and barbecue individually but I didn’t wanna see them team up. I like […]